
  • Abel Boyle


    5 mins ago

    Hi Olivia, I am currently working on the project.

  • Katherine Moss


    5 mins ago

    Hi Olivia, I am thinking about taking a vacation.

  • Phoenix Baker


    5 mins ago


  • Eleanor Pena


    5 mins ago

    Hey Olivia, I was thinking about doing some home improvement work.

  • Kenny Peterson


    5 mins ago


  • Al Sanders


    5 mins ago


  • Melissa Van Der Berg


    5 mins ago

    Hey Olivia, I’ve finished with the requirements doc! I made some notes in the gdoc as well for Phoenix to look over.

Abel BoyleOnline


Abel BoyleWednesday 9:00am
Hi Olivia, I am currently working on the project.
YouWednesday 9:10am
That sounds great, Mabel! Keep up the good work.
Abel BoyleWednesday 11:30am
I will send the draft by end of the day.
YouWednesday 2:00pm
Sure, I will be waiting for it.
Abel BoyleWednesday 4:30pm
Just a heads up, I am about to send the draft.
Abel BoyleThursday 10:16am
Thanks Olivia! Almost there. I’ll work on making those changes you suggested and will shoot it over.
Abel BoyleThursday 11:40am
Hey Olivia, I’ve finished with the requirements doc! I made some notes in the gdoc as well for Phoenix to look over.
Abel BoyleThursday 11:40am

Tech requirements.pdf

1.2 MB

YouThursday 11:41am
Awesome! Thanks. I’ll look at this today.
Abel BoyleThursday 11:44am
No rush though — we still have to wait for Lana’s designs.
Abel BoyleToday 2:20pm
Hey Olivia, can you please review the latest design when you can?
YouJust now
Sure thing, I’ll have a look today. They’re looking great!